Saturday, December 10, 2016

Chapter 4

The 8 of them piled into Tico's station wagon, along with all of their gear was a sight to see, but it worked. Bradleigh waves to her dad as she climbs into the center of the front seat, "Don't wait up."  She smiles at the man standing in the right of way, arms crossed over his chest, ball cap slightly off kilter, "I'll be home when they're done dad."

"I'll leave the door unlocked Brad, please be careful "  Her dad responds.

" I will daddy."

"I'll take good care of her."  Jon reaches over and shakes Bradleigh's dad's hand.  "We'll be at the Stone Pony if you're not doing anything later."

Brad gives Jon a chuckle, "You kids go, have fun."

They leave and make their way down to Asbury Park.  They shared laughs, dreams, cigarettes and beer as they ventured south.  Four packed in the front seat and four packed in the center seat, they were on there way to a night sure to create memories.

With a tap on her shoulder, Brad looks back and sees David leaning up to talk to her, "Ya know, it's hard to call a girl by a guys name."

"I was named after my dad."

"We figured that out, but why don't people call you Leigh?" He asks, seemingly confused by that namesake.

"I've been Brad as long as I can remember."

"I like Leigh, you don't look like a Brad."  David tells her, "All the Brad's I know, with the exception of you and your dad are assholes."

"We are too , wait, you'll see." 

"It is an odd name for a girl."  Richie adds his five cents.  "Dave is right, Leigh is better."

"My name is Brad."  She turns and looks over her other shoulder at Richie, who's fidgeting with his pick case.  

"I'm calling you Leigh." He says to her, laughing.

"I'll ignore you." She states, distracted by the tap on her leg.  She looks over at Tico, who tapped her to get her attention.  

He winks, "Pay them no attention, they get like this before a gig.  They nitpick until there nerves calm."

Bradleigh smiles at Tico, "They're fine.  They're asking me a question I get asked often."

This time Alec joins in, "Were your parents hoping for another boy?"

"NO." She flatly responds.  "My name was going to be Bradley/Bradleigh regardless of my gender."

That conversation went on and on, along with several other silly topics.  The ride didn't take too long as it was the middle of the day.  

When they arrive at the Pony, they start load in.  The crowd had started to arrive and the mood was being set.  One by one, road cases were being wheeled in, guitars were taken in two by two.  

Once the front of the house sound guy arrived, they were able to plug in and start tuning.  Little by little, tweet by tweek they found their desired sound and rehearsed their biggest hit to date, Runaway.   

A few more songs rehearsed and the set list is set. 

They retire to the small room that was back stage for the talent and begin to dress.  

Bradleigh tries to stay out of the way.  With 5 band members, nervous, a hairdresser and a guitar tech - there isn't much room for her.  So, she grabs her bag and makes her way to the bar.  She was seen doing load in with the guys, so the bartender knows that she's with the band.  "What can I get you, you sweet thing?"

"Excuse me?"  She barks back, having never been asked that question.  

"What can I get you to drink?' he drops a cocktail napkin down in front of her.

"Bud, please." She gives a crooked smile, feeling like an ass because he was just trying to be polite.

Bradleigh sits there and drinks her beer as she waits for the show to start.  She can see the crowd growing, the line against the building and down the street.  As she's lost in her thoughts, the bartender reappears, "I haven't seen you with the guys before, who's flavor of the week are you?"

"I'm not anyone's flavor of the week." 

"Well, you will be.  They don't bring chick's to these gigs for nothing."


The bartender points to the fans outside, "They don't drag anyone with them to shows, when they can have their pick from the many outside.  Who brought you here?" He explains, knowing what he's talking about.  "My guess is Richie."

"Jon invited me." She states, with a smirk.

"Bullshit.  He'd never drag a piece of ass with him."

Bradleigh is almost in a state of shock.  She's hung out with Jon and the band and she's never gotten the impression that any of them are the way that he's describing - especially Jon.  "I'm his neighbor."


Bradleigh stayed at the bar and ignored the bartender.   When it was time to open the doors, it was then that she seen just how big this band was going to become.  Girls, scantily clad with big hair and loud makeup bum  rushed the stage area.  It wasn't a big place, and they had to use corral fence to keep the fans at a safe distance from the band.  She sat and watched the madness unfold and was happy to have her back row seat.

The lights dim and the band is announced.  Tico, Dave, Richie and Alec all took their places and began to play the first few cords of Silent Night.  When Jon appeared, the crowd surged and rocked with Bon Jovi for a great 90 minute set.  


Show is over and they rush off the makeshift stage, back to the area that they got dressed before the show.  They all high five one another and share their highlights of the show.  Jon looks around and doesn't see Bradleigh.  "Has anyone seen Brad?" He asks, wiping the sweat from his face. 

"She was at the bar." Tico tells him, doing the same thing - wiping the sweat from his face.  

Jon goes to the door and asks the guard, "Can you go get the cute blonde from the bar?  She's in a flower dress."

"A groupie?"  The guard asks?

"No, she'll stand out.  You can't miss her."

The security guard does as he's asked and retrieves Bradleigh for Jon.  When she enters the backstage area, he asks her from his chair.  "What did you think?"