Saturday, June 18, 2016

1 - It's Time To Hit The Road

Summer was her favorite time of year.  The time of year where she was free.  She could sleep until noon if she wanted too. She could hike the hills, hang at the beach and be gone all day, if she chose – but this summer would be different.  This summer was going to be the end of her life, she just knew it. 

The day that her father came home to tell her and her brothers that they were moving to New Jersey, well, that was the second worst day of her life.  That was another day that her life changed forever.  A day that she will never forget.  She remembers the way she felt when she heard her dad said, “Guess what kids, we’re moving to New Jersey.”  She remembers the way it felt when her heart hit the floor, she can still hear his words echo in her memory.   But at the same time, she remembers how hard it's been on her father; raising three kids alone - so far from family, so far away from the home that they all longed to go back to.

Bradleigh's mother died when Bradleigh was 12 years old.  A drunk driver broadsided her when she was on her way home from work.  She was on her way home from a job that she loved, to the family that she loved even more.  The crash killed her instantly.  The kids and the family have never fully recovered, how could anyone?  Bradleigh was left without a mother, a broken father and two older brothers that were just as lost as she was.   "WHAT?" she yelled from across the dinner table.

"You heard me." he boasted back in her direction, taking a bite of the pizza that he brought home from dinner.  
"Why New Jersey?"  Danny asked, unable to wipe the stunned look off of his face with the paper napkin in his hand.

Dad gently placed his pizza on his plate, swallowed hard and admitted to his children, "I can't do it on my own anymore.  We're too far away from family and I'm too far away from your mother."  Bradleigh still sees the tears well in his eyes, as if it was happening at this very moement.  The memories that she wishes she could wish away hurt her just as much as when they all happened, yet, at the same time - they have made her the stong and responsible teenager that she is today.

Bradleigh's mother was born and buried in Sayreville, NJ.  The town that she was raised in.  She moved away from her hometown, her roots, shortly after she married the man of her dreams.  Brad and Kiela made the decision that they didn't want to raise kids in northern New Jersey, they wanted them to grow up with wilderness, adventure and safety - so, when Brad was offered the opportunity to teach at Brown University - they jumped at that chence.  That is where they made their home and started their family.  That is also where Kiela tragically died.  

Brad did the best that he could and tried as hard as he could, but toward the end he felt like he was letting his wife down and more importantly, he felt he was letting his children down.  He had convinced himself that they were suffereing with his long hours at the university and what bothered him the most was that Bradleigh, growing up without a mother, needed to have a strong female presence in her life.  After carfeul consideration, mental turmoil and swallowed pride, Brad reached out to family and friends, ultimately moving his family back to New Jersey.  


As the car pulled up in front of the house, Bradleigh could feel her butterflies flutter out of hibernation.  Scoping out the neighborhood as she climbed out of the back seat of the family car, she couldn't help but notice the group of guys that were standing just up the street, at the corner.  She paused and looked them over, nothing particular jumping out at her, but she couldn't look away.  The way they were dressed shocked her the most.  She watched their animated conversations and paid special attention to the one that talked the most.  She was startled when she heard a woman scream, "John Francis."  Quickly she looked in the direction that the voice came from.  Bradleigh's father and brothers were dust.  They went inside and checked out the house that they just bought, sight unseen.  Katie, Kiela's sister moved to Florida and sold Brad her house, making the relocation that much easier for all of them.  It was a house that they were familiar with, spending several holiday's there.

John Francis, the guy at the corner that was summoned by the lady across the street, responded to his name being called, "What Ma?!"  he shouts back.  

"Get your ass in her."  she tells the young man, releasing the screen door.  She turns and walks away, simply wanting the young man that that was just hanging out with friends to get in the house.

At that moment, the group of guys see her standing there, not becasue they noticed her, but because the big moving truck pulled up.  All eyes in the neighboorhood were on Bradleigh, her house and the big green truck that just parked in the street.  


  1. Good start. Love her name. Actually all the female names you chose.
    Looking forward to your next chapter.

  2. Loving it, i can see the story in my mind as im reading it. Great start looking forward to more
